To promote research and communication of the influence of plants on people's health and well-being

International People Plant Symposia
To provide a forum for researchers, educators, and practitioners to discuss and develop a deeper understanding of the depth and breadth of research currently being conducted in the field of Horticultural Therapy.

IPPS History
Alexandria, VA
(VA Tech University host)
Newark, NJ
(Rutgers University host)
Davis, CA
(UC Davis host)
San Antonio, TX
(Texas A&M host)
Sydney, Australia (University of Technology, Sydney host)
Glencoe, IL
(Chicago Botanic Garden host)
Toronto, Canada
(as a part of the ISHS International Horticultural Congress)
Awaji, Japan
Toronto, Canada
(as a part of the ISHS International Horticultural Congress)
Toronto, Canada
(as a part of the ISHS International Horticultural Congress)
Toronto, Canada
(as a part of the ISHS International Horticultural Congress)
Brisbane, Australia
(as part of the 29th International Horticultural Congress)
Montevideo, Uruguay
​Montevideo, Uruguay
Malmo, Sweden
Virtual (as part of the 48th American Horticultural Therapy Association Annual Conference and II International Symposium on Horticultural Therapies)
The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development, Diane Relf, Editor, 1992, Timber Press.
People-Plant Relationships: Setting Research Priorities, Joel Flagler and Raymond P. Poincelot, Editors, 1994, Haworth Press
The Healing Dimensions of People-Plant Relations, Mark Francis, Pat Lindsey, Jay Stone Rice, Editors, 1994, Center for Design Research, UC Davis.
People Plant Interactions in Urban Areas, Pat Williams and Jayne M. Zajicek, Editors, 1996, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Texas A&M University.
Towards a New Millennium in People-Plant Relationships, M.D. Burchett, J. Tarran, and R.A. Wood, Editors, 1999, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
Interaction by Design: Bringing People and Plants Together for Health and Well-being, Candice Shoemaker, Editor, 2002, Iowa State Press.
XXVI International Horticultural Congress: Expanding Roles for Horticulture in Improving Human Well-Being and Life Quality . 2004. D. Relf, Editor. Acta Horticulturae 639.
VIII International People-Plant Symposium on Exploring Therapeutic Powers of Flowers, Greenery and Nature. 2008. E. Matsuo, P.D. Relf, and M. Burchett, Editors. Acta Horticulturae 790
XXVII International Horticultural Congress – IHC2006: International Symposium on Horticultural Practices and Therapy for Human Well-Being. 2008. C.A. Shoemaker, Editor. Acta Horticulturae 775
Digging Deeper: Approaches to Research in Horticultural Therapy and Therapeutic Horticulture, Norman Goodyear and Candice Shoemaker, Editors. Acta Horticulturae 945
Diversity: Toward a new Vision of Nature, September 6, 7, and 8th. Visit www.ipps2012.com for more information.
XII International People-Plant Symposium on Horticulture and Human Communities: People, Plants and Places. Proceedings in press.
XIII International People-Plant Symposium on Plants, Cultures and Healthy Communities – Plantas, culturas y comunidades saludables
XIV International People-Plant Symposium on Plants, Cultures and Healthy Communities – Plantas, culturas y comunidades saludables
XV International People-Plant Symposium on Plants, Cultures and Healthy Communities – Plantas, culturas y comunidades saludables
Angers, France (as part of the lII International Symposium On Horticultural Therapies)
XVI International People-Plant Symposium on Plants, Cultures and Healthy Communities – Plantas, culturas y comunidades saludables