To promote research and communication of the influence of plants on people's health and well-being
Horticultural Therapy
The profession of horticultural therapy is relatively new compared to the other therapeutic and caring professions. Under the leadership of the AHTA, there are professional registration and development opportunities that make this a valued and dynamic area. Relatively few books have been published that directly address the development of HT programs and the therapeutic activities involved (Daubert and Rothert, 1981). However, as a large number of professionals have gained 15 or more years of service, new books should appear, such as a recent one from Canada (Hewson, 1994). Members of the horticulture industry have become more familiar with the role of a horticulture therapist in providing them with skilled employees through the AHTA program, Horticulture Hiring Individuals with Disabilities (Davis, 1991). Unfortunately, much misunderstanding of the profession of HT still exists, particularly among horticulturists. The second part of this paper is intended to clarify some of the roles and methods of HT.
American Horticultural Therapy Association
The History and Practice of Horticultural Therapy
Horticultural Therapy Institute
Chicago Botanic Garden